- P1 Parent"The programme has been fun and will go a long way to help and support my child while he's learning. We really enjoyed everything we made and my child loved the fact that Mummy made them with him."
- P1 Parent" I would definitely recommend, as it’s really useful and provides great ideas for helping your kids. I feel the programme made things that I would like to achieve more enjoyable too as I'm more confident in what I’m doing with my son."
- P1 Parent"I think many parents instinctively know much of the information, but the resources put these thoughts into words. They also provide useful activities and games that might be hard to find on your own.”
- P2 Parent"Being shown how simple games can help is really encouraging and realistic. The course is fun and insightful and the packs are so worth it! "
- Pre-School Parent"I loved the opportunity to be in my child's shoes, finding out how she is learning. I definitely feel more confident supporting her before she goes to school after the holidays.”
- Pre-School Parent" I would highly recommend this programme as it has been really helpful educationally but in a fun way. Lots of new ideas! I feel a lot more positive and have learned lots of simple yet effective ways to support my child before school."
- Pre-School Parent“Definitely recommend. The programme is to empower myself and my child! It is so important to start supporting the child before the school starts!”
- Pre-School Parent"The programme gives you lots of ideas and helps you feel confident to support your children. We parents feel guilty because we don’t have time to sit with our children to teach them about literacy and numeracy. This programme gives you tips to introduce these subjects in everyday activities and simple games to play to make it fun!"
- Head Teacher"We are delighted with the response and success of this transition event. The impact has been apparent in many different areas; our new P1 children seem more ready to take on the learning curriculum and their parents are much more engaged with the school right from the onset."
- Principal Teacher"We have a lot more P1 children ready for proper reading books at this point in the year than we usually do, what parents have been doing at home has made a difference!"
- Head Teacher"What a triumph! Our parents are really positive about what they've got from the programme."
- Principal Teacher"I feel the parent workshops have been very successful. The parents have enjoyed the hands-on activities and the learning opportunities to allow them to feel confident in supporting their child's move to P1. This has definitely been one of the most successful parental engagement activities I have seen, with attendance continually very high. It has been a very positive start to working with our new parents."