We support educators and parents to help children develop learning resilience and confidence through buiding a growth mindset and through emotional literacy.

We provide training and resources for educators to help build parents' understanding of their importance as their 'children’s first educators' and provide them with the resources to do the small things at home that have a big impact on building the foundations for school in Early Literacy and Early Numeracy.

We also offer a digital family 'Get Set Yeti' magazine to bring families our material in a fun and entertaining way ... each yeti filled issue full of comic strips, stories, songs, printables and activities!



In order to thrive in education, children need to be given the skills to 'fall forward' ... to see mistakes as a positive part of the learning process. 

They should be given the understanding that effort and persiverance are the key to new skills; building each learner's confiidence to fulfill their potential, becoming a more curious and confident learner and experiencing school as a much happier place to be.

We use storytelling and character-based learning to draw in children and capture their imagination. Our material is pitched to make it age accessible and engaging, helping children take onboard the intended learning. We've tailored our process to integrate into the whole curriculum and involve reflective learning throughout the school year. 

We work in partnership with parents to help them to understand just how much they have to offer their children’s early learning development and help them build their confidence and capacity to do so. 

Our digital, on-line learning platform has a range of e-books, videos and resources to meet the needs of schools, educators and parents, complimented by a wealth of physical resources.

We are globally accessible and are ambitious to branch out to many more schools and parents both nationally and internationally.

Our core team are available ‘in-person’ (in the East of Scotland) and through zoom to deliver training and learning programmes. We're working to offer this more 'hands on' approach far and wide!

  • The Who

Get Set Yeti was created by Carol Arnott, a creative, education practitioner from the East coast of Scotland.

Qualified in Primary Education (B Ed Primary), Community Learning and Development (PG Cert CLD) and Adult Guidance (PG Dip Adult Guidance) Carol has combined her seasoned experience in education with creative learning to bring you our Get Set Yeti material.

We're building our team and have exciting plans for the future ... watch this space!